Bimonthly blended assignment for July 2021

92 Sneha Nadipi

3rd sem(2019)

  1. I have been given the following formative assessment for bimonthly blended assessment for June 2021 .This is the link regarding assessment

  1. Question 1 :- Competency tested for Peer to peer review and assessment


📌 She described her e-log in a very elaborate manner.She made it very colourful and more            informative.

                    📌She reviewed the e-logs and gave review about different cases .

                      My review on her e-log is as follows:

                     ‼️ Regarding the review she made it very clear by adding pictures where ever necessary .

                     ‼️She mentioned the pros and cons of the given case.                         

                     ‼️She gave picturisation,prime importance and included pictures where ever needed.

                     ‼️The case details were also mentioned and  she inserted  the links. -

                     ‼️She also gave the answers in her own way and her own kind of  explanation .

                     ‼️Her idea of pictorial representation is easy to memorise  and helps the visual learners.

                     ‼️Overall she did it very well and her explanation is good.

                     ‼️She gave the points which were missing and made it clear.

          ‼️Logging experience is also very well described.It would be better if she could elaborate                                                                                     experience more.

                     ‼️Everything is  done properly.The case links are also mentioned.

                     ‼️She really made great efforts to write the review as everything is very well explained.

                     ‼️ The reviews are genuinely described.

                    ‼️The  Review she gave is very relevant to the given case.

                   Overall review : 

                      📍 Her review  is very genuine.
                      📍 Everything  is up to mark.   
                      📍Her e-log is also very nice. 

Question 2:I did not get a chance to prepare any e-log .I will update it as soon as I do it.

Question 3: Critical appraisal of the captured data in terms of completeness, correctness and ability to provide useful leads to analyze the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties around the cases shared.

                  🌡Patients with low back ache and renal failure :

Acute Kidney Failure :

  📌The case is very well presented. Regarding completeness and correctness the data is mentioned in the chronological order and the history is taken in a very detailed manner.The examination is mentioned well. The investigations and findings or mention up-to-date. The investigations are done for six days. The radiographs and the investigation reports are pinned according to the day by day analysis. The patient details are appearing in the investigation reports which is not satisfying. To analyse the diagnostic and  therapeutic uncertainties she provided only some useful leads.The drug history is mention accordingly.Diagnosis is not mentioned.

Acute On Chronic Kidney Disease:                     

📌The case is presented well.Regarding the completeness and correctness every detail thing is mentioned and that is collected nicely. History taking is well presented.The examination part is very well described under headings concerned.All the investigations required to evaluate the case are mentioned.The investigation are done for nine days. All the investigation reports are pinned in the e-log.Radiographs are also seen. The treatment history is given for nine days.Useful leads are provided to analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties about the case.
Chronic Kidney Failure:


📌The case  is well presented.The data is collected according to the condition.Detailed history taking is seen.The capture data is complete and correctly presented.Investigations  are done for six days and the reports are pinned in the e-log.The radiographs are also pinned.The treatment history for six days is mentioned accordingly and the drugs are mentioned. The case is very well presented and the provided leads are helpful to analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties.

🌡Patient with Coma and Renal Failure                                                                                     


📌 The overall case presentation is very nice. About the completeness and correctness the data is mentioned properly and the history is taken in a very detailed manner. Investigation reports are placed accordingly to the day by day analysis.The pictures are also given which Q is the case a complete look. Treatment history for 14 days is given accordingly. It would be better if she could mention the dates.The capture data is nice. To analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties of the given case useful leads are provided.

📌The given case is very well presented. About the completeness and correctness of the data it is mentioned in an orderly fashion and histories taken in a very detailed manner.History taking and examination is very well given in the case. All the investigation reports are placed accordingly to the time they are done.Photographs and videos are uploaded which gives the case a very good appearance.Investigations are done for four days.The treatment history is also given for four days accordingly. And provided useful leads are helpful in analysing the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties of the given case.

 Patients with Acute on Chronic Kidney Disease:    


📌 The case is well presented. The history taking is very keenly described.About the completeness and correctness of the given date  it is very properly mentioned.Examination part is described well. The investigations are done accordingly. Investigation Done for 14 days and reports are pinned. Radiographs are also seen. The treatment history is not mentioned according to the dates. Useful leads are provided to analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties of the given case.

📌 The case is very well presented. Regarding the completeness and correctness of the data it is well. The history is taken in a very detailed matter and the investigations are done properly. The examination part is very well described. Investigation reports and the specific abnormality is clearly mentioned for each report.Treatment history is also given. Useful leads are provided to analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties of the given case because she clearly mentioned about the abnormalities and causes for that and gave few reference links.


📌 The case is well presented. The history taking is really good. And the examination part is very well described along with pictures. Investigations are done properly and the reports are pinned accordingly. Radiographs are also seen. The treatment history is also mentioned. Provided only some useful leads  to analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties of the given case.,

Patients with Acute Kidney Injury: -

📌 The cases were presented. Regarding the completeness and correctness of the capture data it is very clear. History taking is mentioned properly in an order. The examination is very well described along with the photographs. The investigation reports and radiographs are attached. The treatment history is given. The case scenario on every day of treatment is given specifically for six days. Provided some useful leads to analyse the therapeutic and diagnostic uncertainties of given case .

📌 about the completeness and correctness of the capture data it is up to mark and properly mentioned. History taking is very nice. Examination part is very well described under headings. Investigation records are provided according to the dates.Investigations are done for six days.Treatment history is given properly for each day.Useful leads are  provided to analyse the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties of the given case.

📌 regarding the completeness and correctness of the capture data it is good. History taking and examination is given but the presentation is not not up to mark. Investigation reports are seen. Investigation reports are very nicely presented accordingly.Radiographs are also attached. The treatment history is given. Summary is written at the last which is very helpful to understand the case. Provided some useful leads to as the diagnostic and therapeutic uncertainties of the given case.

Question 4:Testing scholarship competency of the examinees


Problem: AKI  secondary to UTI, associated with Denovo - DM -2 

Solution: IVF : -RL  @ UO+ 30ml/hr -NS

               2)SALT RESTRICTION  < 2.4gm/day
               3)INJ    TAZAR    4.5gm  IV/TID
                             2.25gm IV/ TID
              4)INJ     PANTOP 40mg  IV/OD
              5)INJ     THIAMINE  1AMP  IN  100ml  NS   IV/TID 


Problem: Hyperuricemia 2° to Renal failure

Solution: IVF -    NS-0.9%  @100ml/hr

                 • Inj. Tazar 2.25gm I.V -TID 
                 • Inj. Lasik 40mg I.V -BD 


Problem: Chronic interstitial nephritis secondary to plasma cell dyscariasis

🔬Solution:  -T. PAN 40mg /PO / OD

                  - oral fluids upto 1.5 - 2 lit / day 
                  -Protein - x ( plant based ) 2 tablespoon   in 1 glass of  milk 


Problem:DKA with AKA

🔬Solution:  Inj. NORAD 2amp in 50ml NS

                 Inj. PIPTAZ 2.25gm.
                 Inj. DOPAMINE 2amp in 50ml
                 Inj. HAI 1ml in 39ml NS


Problem: Infective endocarditis.

🔬Solution: 1. Inj. Monocef 1gm IV/BD

                2. Inj. Vancomycin 500mg IV/BD in 100ml NS over 1hr
                3. Procto clysis enema
                4. Inj. Pan 40 mg Iv/OD


Problem: Renal AKI secondary to urosepsis with b/L hydroureteronephrosis

🔬Solution: Injection PANTOP 40mg IV/OD

                Injection PIPTAZ  4.5 stat  and 2.25 gm  IV/ TID
                Injection LASIX 40mg IV/BD
                Injection optineuron 1AMP in 100ml NS slow IV/OD


Problem:HFrEF secondary to CAD; CRF

🔬Solution:  1. TAB. BISOPROLOL 5mg OD

                      2.TAB. NITROHART 20/37.5mg 1/2 T/D
                      3.TAB NICARDIA XL 30mg OD
                      4.TAB. GLICIAZIDE 80mg BD
                      5.TAB. NODOSIS 500 mg TD


Problem: Acute on CKD 

🔬Solution: 1. Tab. Augmentin 625 mg ×7 days

                     2. Tab. Wysolone 40 mg ×10 days.
                     30 mg × 10 days 
                     20 mg ×10 days
                    10 mg ×10 days.
                    3. Tab . Lasix 20 mg  × 1 month.


Problem: Alcoholic Hepatitis and aki sec to gastroenteritis

🔬Solution:INJ THIAMINE 100 mg in 100 ml NS slow IV / TID

                     INJ OPTINEURON 1AMP in 100 ml NS slow IV / OD

                     INJ LASIX 40 mg  


Problem: Acute Kidney Injury secondary to Urosepsis

🔬Solution: Inj LASIX 40mg (8am- 2pm -8pm)

                      IVF - NS @ UO + 50 ml/hr


Problem: Pancreatitis in a chronic alcoholic 

🔬Solution: IV lasix  40 mg BD .

                     Tab Nodosis .
                     IV PIPTAZ 4.5 Gms. BD 
                     Iv 25%Dextrose. 100 ml BD 
                     Iv fluids : NS 40 ml /hr.

Question 5: Testing scholarship competency in logging reflective observations on your concrete experiences of this last month : 

🖌I am really glad that our college came up with an idea of a e-log.Due to the Covid pandemic it would be very difficult to attend postings without a e-log idea. The general medicine department did a great work to make us understand the subject in a easy way. I myself got benefited from this idea.

🖌 This is because I am able to prepare  log without any fail you even if I am lockdowned at home. This assignment really helps me a lot. I can take history and do examination and investigations. 

🖌This is really a very nice opportunity.My experience in lodging a case .My experience in logging a case is very satisfied. I have seen many cases and I learnt how to present a case. 

🖌Now I am able to understand the investigation in the case scenario and can conclude the diagnosis.This type of learning makes our work easier and perfect.

🖌now I know the clinical uses of many drugs and the type of investigations to be done. I also learnt about the history taking and many various things.

🖌 I thank the general medicine department for giving us exposure to this platform. It really made our work easy and understanding properly.


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