60M with CKD and HTN

 This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

The patient/ attender was informed the purpose of the information being acquired. An informed consent was taken from patient/ attender and there is omission of information that was requested to be omitted

A 60 year old male, who is a resident of Nalgonda ,farmer by occupation came with 

 Chief complaints

-Pedal edema since 3 months

-shortness of breath since 20 days

- decreased  urine output since 15 days

History of presenting illness

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back then developed bilateral pedal edema initially extending to ankle Gradually progressed up to thighs which worsened during last 15 days.

Decreased urine output since 15 days, not associated with frequency, urgency burning micturation.

Grade 3 shortness of breath, noaggravating and relieving factors.


Known case of hypertension since 6 months

No history of diabetes mellitus, asthma, cardiovascular disease , epilepsy, tuberculosis

no history of blood transfusions.

Personal history



Mixed diet

Sleep adequate



No allergies known

Occasionally consumes alcohol 

Smokes tobacco


Hypertension persent(father)


Patient is conscious,coherent, cooperative.

Pallor, clubbing ,pedal edema are present.

 Icterus,Cyanosis, lymphadenopathy are absent.



PR: 98

Rr: 29/ min

Bp:100/80 mm Hg. 

Spo2: 84%

GRBS:124 mg/dl

Systemic examination

Cardiovascular system: 

-S1,S2 heard .no mumurs.

Respiratory system:

-Position of trachea central.

- Bilateral airway entry present.

-Dyspnea present 

- no wheeze.



-No tenderness

-No palpable mass

-Spleen : not palpable

-liver : not palpable.

CNS examination:

-Conscious .

-no signs of meningeal irritation.



Pitting type



HIV 1/2 Rapid : Non reactive

Anti HCV antibodies Rapid : Non reactive

HBsAg Rapid : negative


On 28/11/23

- Hemoglobin:5.4gm/dl.

-total count: 26,800

-Neutrophils- 89



- monocyte :0


-PCV : 16.1

-MCV : 84.1

-MCH : 28.1

-MCHC : 33.4

-RDW -CV :22.9

-RDW-SD : 66.3

- platelet count : 1.32

Impression: Normocytic Normochromic with neutrophilic leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia.

On 29/11/23

- Hemoglobin:5.4gm/dl.

-total count: 22,300

-Neutrophils- 91



- monocyte :5


-PCV : 16.2

-MCV : 84.4

-MCHC : 28.3

-MCHC : 33.5

-RDW -CV :22.1

-RDW-SD : 66.9

- platelet count : 1.52

Impression: Normocytic Normochromic with neutrophilic leukocytosis.

 Renal funtion test 

On 28/11/23

Urea 131 mg/dl 

Creatinine 4.6 mg /dl 

Uric acid 9.9 mg/dl

Calcium 10.1 mg/dl 

Phosphorus 5.1 mg /dl 

Sodium 137 meq /l 

Potassium 4.1 meq / l 

Chloride 102 meq/l

On 29/11/23

Urea 146 mg/dl 

Creatinine 7.7 mg /dl 

Uric acid 10.8 mg/dl

Calcium 9.9 mg/dl 

Phosphorus 5.6 mg /dl 

Sodium 129 meq /l 

Potassium 4.7 meq / l 

Chloride 89 meq/l



On 28/11/23

PH 7.46

Pco2 29.4 mmhg 

Po2 165 mmHG 

Hco3 20.7 mol /l 

Tco2 44.9vol 

O2 sat 98.8 % 

O2 count 8.9vol %

On 29/11/23

PH 7.74 

Pco2 25.9 mmhg 

Po2 46.1 mmHG 

Hco3 19 mol /l 

Tco2 43.3 vol 

O2 sat 92.4 % 

O2 count 2.4 vol %





Chronic kidney disease on maintenence hemodialysis with anemia of chronic disease with hypertension 


On 28 /11/23 

Patient was on salt restriction < 1.5 g / day 

Patient was on fluid restriction <1.5l per day 

Inj : PIPTAZ 2.25 gm iv /tid 

Inj LASIX 40 mg iv /bid 

Inj MEOMOL 14 mg iv sos if temp >101 

Tab : ECOSPRIN 50mg H/S 

Tab : OROFER once a day 

Tab DOLO 650 mg every 6 hourly 

Tab NODOSIS 500 mg PO /BD 

Tab SHELCALT 500 mg /BD

On 29/11/23

TAB. LINOD 10mg twice a day. 

Inj LASIX : 40 mg Iv twice a day 

Tab : Oral NODOSIS 500 mg twice a day 

Tab: Oral SHELCAL 500 mg twice a day

Inj.EPO 4000 IU ,SC once weekly

Tab : oral ECOSPRIN 75mg H/S

Inj NEOMAL : 14mg IV sos 

Tab : DOLO 650 mg QID

Inj PIPTAZ : 2.25 gm I.v thirice a day. 

On 30/11/23

Inj PIPTAZ : 2.25 gm I.v twice a day. 

Inj LASIX : 40 mg Iv twice a day 

Inj NEOMAL : 14mg IV sos 

 Tab : Oral NODOSIS 500 mg twice a day 

Tab: Oral SHELCAL 50 mg twice a day 

Tab : oral ECOSPRIN 50mg H/S

Tab OROFER once a day 

Tab : DOLO 650 mg QID


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