92 SNEHA NADIPI Hi, I am Sneha Nadipi;2019 batch,medical student . This is an E-Log, which presents the patient centered approach for learning medicine .This E-Log has been created after taking consent from the patient and relatives. Hope you learn valuable information ! Q1.Go through one question of 10 students given in the following link - list of formative and summative assessments of the following students and give a peer review of the quantitative marking and the qualitative insights on what was good or bad in the chosen blog NEUROLOGY roll no 8 , answer no: 1 https://08arshewarpavankumar.blogspot.com/2021/05/a-40-year-old-male-with-complaints-of.html The evolution of symptomatology is described beautifully with the help of a diagram.Very easy to comprehend. GASTROENTEROLOGY roll no 88, answer no:2 https://mridultak.blogspot.com/2021/05/medicine-blended-assignment-may-2021...