72 year old female with tingling and numbness in both lower limbs

 This is an a online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

The patient/ attender was informed the purpose of the information being acquired. An informed consent was taken from patient/ attender and there is omission of information that was requested to be omitted

A 62 old female who is a resident of voligonda , house wife by occupation came with the 

 Chief complaints

Tingling and burning sensation in both the lower limbs since 2 months 

Swelling of both the lower limbs since 2 months  

History of presenting illness

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months back then developed tingling and burning sensation of the feet and progressed to knee which intermittent type (on and off) 

No aggravating factors and relieved by rest .

Pedal Odema since 2 months inscidious in onset gradually progressive from grade 2 to 3 pitting type

No aggrevating factors relieved on rest 

h/o of passing hard stools once in 2 days on standing non blood stained .

Past history

K/C/O HTN since 2 yrs

H/o cerebrovascular accident 1 year ago, catract surgery

N/K/C/O DM,TB,thyroid disorders,epilepsy,CAD,Asthma

No history of blood transfusions

Personal History


Daily wage labourer by occupation

Diet: mixed 

Appetite: lost

Bowel : irregular

bladder moments: normal

Addictions : beetle leaf since 10 yrs and stopped 1 Year ago

Family history

Not significant

Obstetric history

Age of marriage: 16 yrs

1st child birth: 18 yrs 


Physical examination

On examination

Patient is conscious,coherent and cooperative well oriented to time,place,person 

No signs of pallor,icterus,clubbing,cyanosis,lymphadenopathy,pedal oedema 


Temp: afebrile

PR: 98

Rr: 20/ min

Bp:120/90 mm Hg. 

Spo2: 98%

Systemic examination

CVS: S1,S2 heard, no murmurs heard 

Resp: BAE +


Abdomen: soft and non tender



Provisional diagnosis:

Peripheral neuropathy with acid peptic disease with pedal oedema with constipation. 


Tab.TELMA 40mg OD 







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